The Union of Cyrpus Municipalities supports the fight against trafficking – 01/02/2008

The Council of Europe Congress of Local and Regional Authorities has recently launched an appeal to Europe’s regions and municipalities for the online signature of the Declaration against trafficking.

The Congress has set up a website for this purpose to gather as many signatures as possible from Europe’s local and regional elected representatives.

The Union of Cyprus Municipalities has actively responded to this appeal by urging local authorities to sign the declaration and help fight human trafficking.

To sign online the Declaration against trafficking, please visit:

Exhibition “It’s our History” – 50 years of the European adventure: Brussels • TOUR & TAXIS > 26 October 2007 – 23 March 2008 – 05/02/2008

On the 26th of October 2007, the Museum of Europe opened its doors to welcome visitors to an exhibition staged to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, marking half a century of European unification.

From the devastated Europe of 1945 to the challenges that are today facing our continent, visitors will come face to face with History with a capital “H” but also with their own more personal history. As you will realise as you make your way around the exhibition, we are all protagonists in this incredible adventure, this ongoing quest to unify Europe.

The exhibition boasts the state-of-the art resources of contemporary museography: backdrops, films, multimedia and interactive tools guide you through exhibits that have been chosen above all for their authenticity: over 500 of them are on loan from 80 museums across Europe. The dress of a little girl sown together out of the flags of the Allied Forces, the first steel ingot melted down by the ECSC, a coal sack from the Berlin Air Bridge, the illustrated diary kept by a young Hungarian during the 1956 anti-Communist uprising, the log of an English soldier during the Suez crisis, pieces of the iron curtain and the Berlin wall, a Stasi-owned “odour pot” as well as everyday objects: all poignant souvenirs brought back from a 50 year old European adventure.

For more information on this interactive exhibition please visit the website of the Museum of Europe: