Launch of the Pro-I3T project – 10/01/2012

Following a proposal submitted by the Union of Cyprus Municipalities within the European Programme “Europe for Citizens”, the European Commission decided to co-finance the cooperation between the Union of Cyprus Municipalities and the Assembly of European Regions (AER), in order to develop information tools for the promotion and development of thematic Twinnings between their members, but also with Towns from the rest of the European Union.

The Pro-I3T project (Providing Information Tools on Thematic Twinning) has been launched on the 9th of January and has a duration of 12 months. Throughout this time, local and regional authorities around Europe will be trained to set thematic priorities for projects, formulate their ideas, find partners and target their actions. To do that, detailed information and training on the Europe for Citizens Programme, as well as a detailed listing of all other EU Grants and programmes capable to finance their actions will be offered to participants: 15 comprehensive thematic guides (on education and youth, culture and media, employment and social affairs, research and development, industry and enterprises, external relations and development, commerce, energy, environment, transport, public health and consumer protection, justice and home affairs, information technology, agriculture and fisheries) will be produced in English and in Greek. Each guide will comprise:
a) information on the structure and functioning of the EU,
b) presentation of the Europe for Citizens programme and how a project idea could be formulated and financed from the programme
c) a complete listing of all other European programmes that could finance a project within this thematic area (e.g. education and youth),
d) a detailed methodology on how to prepare and submit a project.

Two training sessions (one in Cyprus and one in Brussels) will teach local and regional practitioners how to use the provided material and how to better finance their actions.

The Pro-I3T project is being co-financed through the “Measure 2.2. Support Measures” of the Europe for Citizens programme, which aims at improving the quality of projects submitted within Action 1 “Active Citizens for Europe”. For more information:

Launch of the Pro-I3T project – 10/01/2012

Following a proposal submitted by the Union of Cyprus Municipalities within the European Programme “Europe for Citizens”, the European Commission decided to co-finance the cooperation between the Union of Cyprus Municipalities and the Assembly of European Regions (AER), in order to develop information tools for the promotion and development of thematic Twinnings between their members, but also with Towns from the rest of the European Union.

The Pro-I3T project (Providing Information Tools on Thematic Twinning) has been launched on the 9th of January and has a duration of 12 months. Throughout this time, local and regional authorities around Europe will be trained to set thematic priorities for projects, formulate their ideas, find partners and target their actions. To do that, detailed information and training on the Europe for Citizens Programme, as well as a detailed listing of all other EU Grants and programmes capable to finance their actions will be offered to participants: 15 comprehensive thematic guides (on education and youth, culture and media, employment and social affairs, research and development, industry and enterprises, external relations and development, commerce, energy, environment, transport, public health and consumer protection, justice and home affairs, information technology, agriculture and fisheries) will be produced in English and in Greek. Each guide will comprise:
a) information on the structure and functioning of the EU,
b) presentation of the Europe for Citizens programme and how a project idea could be formulated and financed from the programme
c) a complete listing of all other European programmes that could finance a project within this thematic area (e.g. education and youth),
d) a detailed methodology on how to prepare and submit a project.

Two training sessions (one in Cyprus and one in Brussels) will teach local and regional practitioners how to use the provided material and how to better finance their actions.

The Pro-I3T project is being co-financed through the “Measure 2.2. Support Measures” of the Europe for Citizens programme, which aims at improving the quality of projects submitted within Action 1 “Active Citizens for Europe”. For more information: