EU Funding Opportunities for Local and Regional Authorities. Pro-I3T final conference. 23/10/2012 in Brussels, Belgium – 03/10/2012
The Union of Cyprus Municipalities and the Assembly of European Regions would like to invite you to the event:
EU Funding Opportunities for Local and Regional Authorities
Tuesday 23/10/2012
Committee of the Regions. Room JDE 51. Rue Belliard 99-101, Brussels
European funds have always been of paramount importance for local and regional authorities around Europe. In the context of the current economic recession and budgetary restrictions at every level, European funding becomes even more an important source of potential income for subnational public authorities. How can they make the best out of the available funding now and what can local and regional authorities expect from future European funding? This will be the topic of the upcoming conference, which takes place in the framework of the Pro-I3T project, under the auspices of the Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the EU.
The event is divided in two parts. During the first part, participants will be taught on how to work with current European programmes (especially the Europe for Citizens programme) and will explore the possibilities of creating thematic networks among their members and with Municipalities from the rest of the EU. We will also present the deliverables of the project (15 thematic guides on EU financing in the following fields: education and youth, culture and media, employment and social affairs, research and development, industry and enterprises, external relations and development, commerce, energy, environment, transport, public health and consumer protection, justice and home affairs, information technology, agriculture and fisheries). During the second part we will discuss challenges and potentials of the future programming period.
For more information and registrations, please contact:
Mr. Fanourios Pantelogiannis
Head of Brussels Office
Union of Cyprus Municipalities