Ammochostos Gate - Lefkosia District

Coastline - Lemesos District

Aliki Lake - Larnaka District

Aphrodite's Rock- Pafos District

Ammochostos Beach - Ammochostos District

Castle of Keryneia - Keryneia District

Α. European Policies and Other Co-Financed Programmes

The Union of Cyprus Municipalities participates in the consultations which take place for the preparation of the multiannual Programming Documents. These Programming Documents include priorities and indicative actions which aim to serve the above mentioned policies guiding towards the effective use of financial resources which serve the main goal set by the Partnership Agreement restructuring of the economy, the preservation and creation of new jobs and safeguarding of social cohesion.

The content of all programming documents is formulated in each programming period through a constant process of cooperation and consultation between the DG EPCD and the competent Ministries, Local Authorities, social and economic partners and bodies of the wider public and private sector, as well as with the European Commission.

The total responsibility for coordination and preparation of these programming documents lie under the Directorate General for European Programmes, Coordination and Development (DG EPCD)

The Union of Cyprus Municipalities, apart from its coordination role between the DG EPCD and the Municipalities, during the formation of the Programming Documents, participates as well as a member at the Monitoring Committees with a voting right. These Committees are responsible to monitor the application of each of the Programming Document through which the respective Operational Programmes are implemented.

Cohesion or Regional Policy

Cohesion Policy is implemented through co-financing of European Structural and investment Funds (ESIF)and Cohesion Fund of the EU, through the Operational ProgrammesCompetitiveness and Sustainable Development” and Employment, Human Resources and Social Cohesion. For the programming period 2014 -2020 and following negotiations between European Commission and Cyprus Government, Cyprus has been allocated the amount of €784m, amount which is being invested in the country through the above mentioned programmes.

The Union of Cyprus Municipalities participates as a member with a voting right in the Monitoring Committees “Competitiveness and Sustainable Development” and “Employment, Human Resources and Social Cohesion”.

Common Agricultural Policy

The Cyprus Rural Development Programme is the main instrument for practicing agricultural policy for the development of primary sector of production and of Cyprus countryside. It is consisted of a series of measures which aim at increasing the competitiveness of agriculture, the assurance of sustainable management of natural resources and the achievement of a balanced territorial development, including job creation.

The amount of €243,3m is dedicated to the Rural Development Programme for Cyprus for the current programming period 2014 – 2020. The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development contributes 53% of the total public spending, whereas the rest is going to be available through the Cyprus Governments, considered as national contribution.

The Cyprus Rural Programme 2014 – 2020 is addressed at different categories of beneficiaries like for example farmers, producers’ groups, businesses, private individuals, local authorities, co-operations, governmental departments and other bodies

For more information you can have a look at the Information Broshure that has been prepared by the Agriculture Department of Cyprus, which however is available only in Greek.

The Union of Cyprus Municipalities participates as a member with voting right in the Monitoring Committee of the Cyprus Rural Programme.

Common Fisheries Policy

The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) Regulation 508/2014 is the new legislative framework for EU co-financing in the fisheries and aquaculture sector during the new Programming Period 2014-2020 and is part of the Common Fisheries Policy reform package. The EMFF consists of four (4) main pillars, which aim at a) the sustainability of the fisheries sector, b) the sustainability of the aquaculture sector, c) the development of fisheries areas and d) matters of maritime policy.

The Operational Programme «Thalassa» 2014-2020 is financed by the EMFF 2014-2020 and has a total budget of approximately € 52,6 million. The percentage of EU contribution (EMFF) amounts to 75,49% of the total public expenditure. The co-financing rate of individual projects will range between 50% and 75%. The potential beneficiaries will include fishermen, vessel owners, Aquaculture Units, Processing Units, Collective Organizations, Private and Public Bodies etc.

The Union of Cyprus Municipalities participates as a member with a voting right in the Monitoring Committee of the Operational Programme “Thalassa”

Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund

The establishment of the new Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund for the years 2014-2020 is based on a specific proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (COM (2011)751 final 15.11.2011 and amounts to a total of €3.9 billion. It has to be noted that this Fund is the continuation and merge of the following three Solidarity Funds: the European Integration Fund, the European Refugee Fund and the Return Fund.

The general objective of the Fund shall be to contribute to the efficient management of migration flows and to the implementation, strengthening and development of the common policy on asylum, subsidiary protection and temporary protection and the common immigration policy, while fully respecting the rights and principles enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

The most important part of the resources available under the Fund will be channeled through national programmes of the Member States having the following national objectives:

  • strengthening the establishment of Common European Asylum System by ensuring the efficient and uniform application of the Union acquis on asylum and the proper functioning of the Dublin Regulation.
  • setting up and developing integration strategies, encompassing different aspects of the two way dynamic process, to be implemented at national/local/regional level where appropriate, taking into account the integration needs of third country nationals at local/regional level
  • developing a return programme, which includes a component on assisted voluntary return and, where appropriate on reintegration.

The total budget for Cyprus for the current programming period 2014 – 2020 sums up to €32,308,677 with 90% EU contribution.

Examples of eligible actions are:

  • provision of material aid, health and psychological care
  • measures focusing on education and training, including language training,
  • actions that promote meaningful contact and constructive dialogue between third country nationals and the receiving society
  • actions that promote acceptance by the receiving society, including through the involvement of the media

Final beneficiaries for implementing projects in the framework of the Fund are the Central Government, Educational Institutions, International Organisations, Local Authorities, NGOs, Non Profit Organisations, Private Bodies, State-owned Enterprises.

The Union of Cyprus Municipalities participates as a member with a voting right in     the newly formed Monitoring Committee of Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund which met for the first time in 2017.

Other Co-financed Programmes – European Territorial Cooperation Programmes

The Union of Cyprus Municipalities participates in the preparation of the Cross- border Cooperation Programme “Greece – Cyprus” which is one of the three categories of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes. It also takes part as a member with a voting right in the meetings of the Monitoring Committee of the Programme which usually take place twice a year, once in Cyprus and once in Greece.

The groups of transnational and interregional programmes belong also in the category of the European Territorial Cooperation Programmes.

European Policies and Other Co-Financed Programmes

Promotion and Implementation of EU Competitive Programmes

Projects in cooperation with the Council of Europe – Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform